Monique (44 jaar), wetenschapper
‘I feel that, with acupuncture, I am more observing and listening to my body than before.’
I have to say that I started acupuncture with some scepticism…because I am scientific from background (I like to be able to get explanation’s and understand things!) and I am from a family of “traditional” doctors! But, I always thought that I might try alternative medicines one day if I would need it. It is what I did 9 months ago!
From a medical point of view, I really believe in the observation of the signs of the body and the mind in order to find the cause and the solution of a problem; I discovered that the acupuncture technique used by Brechtje is a technique based on a thorough observation of the body and the mind and I like it. I feel that, with acupuncture, I am more observing and listening to my body than before.
I feel positive effects of acupuncture on my body and my mind, even though it remains a “black box” for me! I ask questions to Brechtje to try to understand so I got a little bit more familiar with this technique; sometimes I am even laughing as the situation can be quite funny, like with the tongue inspection!
It is, for sure, a positive experience for me and it makes me really curious to know more about acupuncture!
slaapstoornissen, vermoeidheid, STRESS, burn-out, overspannenheid, hyperventilatie, rusteloosheid, angst, flauwvallen, dwangmatig huilen of lachen, depressiviteit, snel schrikken, vergeetachtigheid, anorexia nervosa, lusteloosheid, gebrek aan energie, algehele zwakte, veel dromen