Jessica (31 jaar), docente Spaans in Amsterdam
I came in contact with Brechtje during the last weeks of my pregnancy, when my baby was found to be breech and I heard that acupuncture could help the baby to turn in a respectful and non-violent way.
Brechtje showed my partner how to use moxa, a special way to stimulate acupuncture points with heat and then we did the treatment ourselves for over two weeks. It was not painful and gave us the chance to dedicate about one hour every day only to each other and the pregnancy.
When finally I went to the hospital to do a external cephalic version, it was done in less than one minute. I think that the moxa treatment, although it didn’t make the baby turn spontaneously, helped very much in preparing me and the baby.
misselijkheid, zure oprispingen, STUITLIGGING, bevalling opwekken, pijn na de bevalling, stimuleren van borstvoeding, borstontsteking